
Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Listening is Everything

From listening to engaging

1. Listening means we care.

A best friend is someone who is willing to listen and can you trust. With listening we can be part of the others.

2. Listening is learning.

Listening is the most powerful learning tool. We can learn a lot through listening. Practice listening gain a good understanding one another.

3. Listening is innovating.

Believe or not, the creativity arises from understanding. And then understanding will make we will make we to think innovative. That help us plan our future better than now…

4. Listening make you stronger.

Only through continuous improvement and learning process, can we grow stronger and reach our goals.

5. Listening builds you a better future.

Learning to appreciate life is the road to happiness. Nothing endures but change and the passing of time. A retirement plan is an essensial art of your future.

6. Listening give you the best solution.

Sometimes listening is all it takes to find the solution you are looking for.

7. Listening make everything possible.

Ther is no goal too high. No matter what your goals are. They should always start with good planning.

8. Listening make you wiser.

From knowledge comes understanding.

9. Listening is essensial.

Through listening we can gain more to help us make the right choices in our live.

10. Listening is the start of healing.

Wealth is nothing without health, isn’t it? Health is often taken for granted. Its true value is only realized when our health is at stake.

11. Listening open your heart.

Enrich your life by sharing. You must believe that listening to and sharing with other is more than just a responsibility. Sharing can open your hearts and unite our differences.

12. Listening open your eyes.

With listening we can feel what the others feel. listen premises we can see what kind of wonderful life

I believe in Listening. Only by listening can we truly understand the other. With understand one and another we can keep our life to be a better life.

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