
Minggu, 11 November 2012

How to be a HIMAKOM Members

            After pass PKKMB and Student Day in Computer Science is not directly accepted into  HIMAKOM member’s. HIMAKOM is organitation of student in Computer Science program. To be a HIMAKOM members must join and pass CT CAMP’S. CT CAMP or Computer Science Training and Solidarity is a event that held to build a good character and solidarity of new student in Computer Science. 
            In CT Camp’s we as a new student will be learn about Computer Science and anything about Computer Science majors, as who is lecture,  head of department  in Computer Science, what will we do in Computer Science,  and etc. in CT Camp’s we will have many experience that can’t we got in another place or event.  We will interacted with  senior class in which they are guiding us through CT Camp’s.  To pass CT Camp’s we must attend the event from the first day until the last day of the event and  we must do all of task CT Camp’s.  Kind of task that given as writing task .Last ct camp at the CT Camp’s VI, the task is wrote a paper about anything related to computers science, the contents of paper is the history, development, architecture, and operating system of computer.  In the last night of CT Camp’s we will have a final test of CT Camp’s. If we can’t pass CT Camp’s we must repeat the event next as a new student. So... do the tasks assigned to it really. welcome to Computer Science and and to welcome a member HIMAKOM.

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