
Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Tourism in West Bali

         Bali is one of the favorite tourist destinations in world. With the beauty of the culture and the people were friendly Bali able to captivate tourist from all over the world. But not all of the area attractions Bali known by tourists, one is Jembrana. 
         Jembrana is one of nine counties in Bali that is in the west Bali. To achieve sufficient Jembrana enough with 3 hours travel by vehicle from Denpasar. Jembrana has tourist spot  that are still very beautiful. Famous spots such as Delod Berawah Beach, Juwuk Manis Waterfall, Medewi Beach and Bunut Bolong. Jembrana has a National Park too, The West Bali National Park (TNBB) the region to protect endangered animals and plants. One of them is Jalak Bali which is bird endemic Bali that is very rare. In TNBB also found destination spot, that is Karang Sewu or Teluk Gili, as the name suggests Karang Sewu (karang in English is coral) is a coastal coral, this area was a shallow bay. When the tide is low you can stand in the middle of the ocean without fear of drowning. 
         Jembrana also has a culture that is not less interesting  than the other cultures in the other district that is Makepung and Jegog. This tradition only in Jembrana, Makepung is a buffalo plow  race  and jegog is a typical musical instrument  from Jembrana. Makepung is the name of a major grand prix in Jembrana, West Bali, which features racing buffalo races. Hundreds of pairs of buffaloes are teamed up together with their jockeys riding the traditional wooden ploughs that are slightly modified for the competition. 
         The racer buffaloes, called kerbau pepadu, compete in various open race circuits in assorted heats around the district of Melaya, leading up to the finals, or what has come to be known as the Jembrana Regent’s Cup, and the Governor’s Cup, held annually. Previously Makepung  by Jembrana farmers do to entertain themselves and relax after plowing when planting season arrives. But with the modern plow, plow with buffalo left but the Makepung  tradition is still carried out in Jembrana till now, even once a month is always held in Jembrana a  Makepung Competition. Jegog is a music instrument made of bamboo. Jegog is similar with angklung Bali, it's just music instrument jegog have varying sizes and tones.


Delod Berawah Beach


Karang Sewu