
Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

Snorkeling at Menjangan Island Marine

 If you like to swim in the sea and adventure, take time to visit Menjangan Island. Menjangan island are in the area of ​​West Bali National Park (TNBB).  Menjangan island becomes destination for travelers due underwater panorama is very beautiful. Did you know? the beauty of the underwater panorama Menjangan Island is one of the most beautiful in the world. 

Although administratively Menjangan Island is located in Buleleng regency, Menjangan Island is closer to the city Jembrana. underwater panorama offered on the island is not inferior to the beauty of Raja Ampat Islands.

Snorkeling is one way to enjoy the underwater beauty in the island of Menjangan, because the water is so clear, make a lot of tourists who come here,and  you do not carry out this snorkel required to have a certificate specially like diving, simply by being able to swim alone.
In this snorkel you do not need to worry about an accident because you certainly accompanied by a guide who is in the sights.

You are interested in traveling to Menjangan Island? please just come to the West Bali National Park, and if you do not want to be bothered you can contact us by ADMIN. We are willing to guide you traveled in the Jembrana district.

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Listening is Everything

From listening to engaging

1. Listening means we care.

A best friend is someone who is willing to listen and can you trust. With listening we can be part of the others.

2. Listening is learning.

Listening is the most powerful learning tool. We can learn a lot through listening. Practice listening gain a good understanding one another.

3. Listening is innovating.

Believe or not, the creativity arises from understanding. And then understanding will make we will make we to think innovative. That help us plan our future better than now…

4. Listening make you stronger.

Only through continuous improvement and learning process, can we grow stronger and reach our goals.

5. Listening builds you a better future.

Learning to appreciate life is the road to happiness. Nothing endures but change and the passing of time. A retirement plan is an essensial art of your future.

6. Listening give you the best solution.

Sometimes listening is all it takes to find the solution you are looking for.

7. Listening make everything possible.

Ther is no goal too high. No matter what your goals are. They should always start with good planning.

8. Listening make you wiser.

From knowledge comes understanding.

9. Listening is essensial.

Through listening we can gain more to help us make the right choices in our live.

10. Listening is the start of healing.

Wealth is nothing without health, isn’t it? Health is often taken for granted. Its true value is only realized when our health is at stake.

11. Listening open your heart.

Enrich your life by sharing. You must believe that listening to and sharing with other is more than just a responsibility. Sharing can open your hearts and unite our differences.

12. Listening open your eyes.

With listening we can feel what the others feel. listen premises we can see what kind of wonderful life

I believe in Listening. Only by listening can we truly understand the other. With understand one and another we can keep our life to be a better life.

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Big Step for Space Travel

Private enterprise companies, manufacturers of new spacecraft intended orbit and suborbit will make a breakthrough in 2013's. They will test a new flight, launch, wind tunnel testing, and experimental rocket technology, which are all planned in the new year this time.
Of the many spacecraft that have been developed, only one of which has flown into space. Dragon capsule is made ​​by Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) in hawrthorne, California, USA.

 Cargo UAV has flown three times and twice to bring supplies into the International Space Station (ISS) in 2012. The first, conducted in May in a trial and the second mission was carried out in October 2012.

SpaceX cargo flight next to the ISS is scheduled for early May 2013. But the new version which will carry astronauts have also been done. Capsule that will be filled by this crew will differ from its predecessor which consists of robots.  
Parties SpaceX, is developing a second dragon capsule that will be brought / boarded by 7 people, crew transportation contract in competition, with NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to the ISS. NASA's commercial crew program helps industry to develop and compete to win the ISS contract.
The selected companies will also get each fund 10 million dollars and time for 15 months to demonstrate, with data, if the rockets and spaceships they can be considered for space transportation missions. The winner of the contract not only create a spacecraft or rocket launcher, they are also doing something to be desired by NASA, the mission towards space station ISS.

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Bali Starlings, Your Fate is Not as Beautiful as Your Color

Bali Starlings
Bali island is very famous for its natural beauty and the friendliness of its inhabitants. Besides its natural beauty, Bali, also has one of the beautiful birds are very beautiful; Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi). Bali starling is a beautiful endemic birds, birds in Indonesia is only found on the island of Bali, and can only be found in western Bali, which is in the district of Jembrana in the forests of West Bali National Park(TNBB). Unfortunately, birds are also known as Bali Curik has barely heard the booms in the wild because it continues to be hunted by unscrupulous to be traded.
Birds with a body length of approximately 25 cm, the price is described in the tens of millions rupiah. Bali starling is a beautiful bird. Because of its beauty, the bird is used as a mascot of Bali Island and has been used as a symbol of the fauna of Bali.
The population of Bali starlings are mostly located in the West Bali National Park (TNBB). but now the presence of the bird is rare, almost non-existent. Bali starlings are now only found in captivity in the region Tegal Bunder, TNBB. In addition, many residents who live around TNBB also undertake captive by self. Bali starling population in captivity in Tegal Bunder number about 35 pairs. While the Bali Starlings bred by the amount of about 30 pairs.
Bird that use as mascot of  Bali is protected by law and inhabit a small portion of the National Park area which is on Prapat Agung peninsula exactly between Berumbun bay and Kelor Bay. IUCN (International Union for Conservation of nature and Natural Resources) have entered into a Bali starling Red Data Book, the book that contains the type of flora and fauna are endangered too.
Although the west bali is the only habitat in the world, but thirty years ago this bird can be found outside of Bali, even abroad. Even in captivity at this time there is also a breeding species from Japan and several zoos in Java.
Bali starling, whose habitat in western Bali, actually in 2012, this bird has met until in Karang Sewu, Gilimanuk. But it only lasted for a month is not over, and this bird, disappeared again. Karang Sewu Although Karang Sewu is TNBB region, but also often touched by humans for recreation, and was allegedly it is this which causes the bird with blue feathers around the eyes disappeared.

See also :    Karang Sewu, TNBB