
Minggu, 18 November 2012

10 Things that We Must Knows about “PROBLEM”

In our live, in our daily activity,  we didn’t free from something that named problems . almost  every time and every second we have and meet a problem, as of to seem  problem that we have is unlimited. began from the smallest problem till the biggest. As a proverb say’s  “nothings is imposible”,  So we can concluse that  every problem always has an solution.  We knows God’s wouldn’t give the problem more than our ability. Cause of that  we  must change our's mindset, how big the problem that we have, we can gets solution of the problem if we believe we can do it  and never give up. Problems is like a pizza. If we want to eat it, we can’t eat it  at once, we must divide it to the smaller parts before we eat it. I have 10 things that you must knows about problem.
  1. Prolem is not problem if  not we dispute it.
  2. Prolem is not problem,  but how we see that is the real problem.
  3. Problem was were, not to make we weak  but make  we more be mature and  stronger.
  4. Problem is like fire that burning gold, more big the fire more pure the gold.
  5. Problem is one proff that  we are live, because just dead people who don’t have any problem.
  6. Problem is broadway to wisdom, because  wisdom will not  proff without problem.
  7. Problem is the fastest way to be succes.
  8. Problem is the best teacher in live beside experience.
  9. Problem is like battle, that must we won before we take the gift.
  10. Problem is the best time to test our self.
So i suggest you, if you have a problem, don’t run from it, But fight it and be the winner of that fight. Be Your self...

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